How to Verify All of Your Telegram Account Informations?

How to Verify All of Your Telegram Account Informations?

How to Verify All of Your Telegram Account Informations?
How to Verify All of Your Telegram Account Informations?

It is essential to know how to manage your telegram account information in order to maintain your privacy, security, as well as to have an effective user experience. Telegram too - bringing with it the privacy- and security-respecting image the messaging application has capped a great deal of its success with - provides a number of options for you to inspect and manage your account info. This is an extensive tutorial on how you can go to your Telegram settings to view your account details.

Login to your Account Settings

Step 1: Operate Telegram On-phone system Telegram Application Step 2: Press On The Right Top Three Lines Of Menu In your mobile or computer. The main chat screen will open, showing you a list of all your conversations

How to block someone on Badoo Step 1: Open settings Tap on settings icon usually placed on the bottom right-hand side of the screen in iOS or via the menu (three horizontal lines) on the bottom left-hand side or top-left corner in Android.

Checking basic account data

Step 3 - Head Over to Your Profile Once in the settings menu, click on your profile at the top. Below, you see your Telegram username, phone number and profile picture. The fact that others can find you on Telegram without having your phone number through your username makes it especially important.

Privacy and Security Settings

Step 4: Review Privacy Settings In your Settings menu, you will notice an option called 'Privacy and Security'. In this section, you can control who can see your phone number, last seen, profile photo, and who can call you. Tweak these settings according to your open or closed self to keep your privacy as you prefer it.

Step 5: 2-Step Verification Again in Privacy and Security, I would also recommend setting up 2-Step Verification. While this acts as a security layer and a need of password as well beside SMS Code while log-in to new device.

Managing Advanced Features

Upon scrolling down, you will come across the 'Active Sessions'. On this screen you can see the list of all devices where your Telegram account is currently subscribed at. You should also periodically browse this section to kill off any sessions that should not exist or that are no longer of use.

Step 7: Data and storage The 'Data and Storage' further down on the settings menu lets you dictate how Telegram deals with automatic downloads of media and how much of your device's storage space is Telegram hogging up.

Data Export

8: Export your Telegram dataFor those users who want to see all what Telegram stores about you, you can header to the ‘Privacy and Security’ and select ‘Export Data. This allows you to pick selected categories of messages, media and data that you receive in the form of a downloadable file.

Telegram帳號怎麼看 has a few more resources and user tips for you, and more detailed instructions for every setting in the process.


Reviewing and managing the details of your account on Telegram becomes necessary to be in control of your digital footprint on the platform. Learning about the possibilities of settings available to you, you can both tweak your Telegram experience to your personal or professional needs and keep your experience on this platform secure.

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